Philosophy of Work
You want to be a great leader?
It's time to develop your own Philosophy of Work!
My vision
Engagement is the key! We need to create a work environment where everyone feels engaged and without fear to perform to that persons best abilities.
About me
I worked around the world and experienced so many great different work environments. I learned an amazing amount of great and also terrible things that I would like you to take part in.
The Book
The book is my try to share as much as possible of all the stuff I experienced along the way and let people participate and learn from it. Steal with pride whatever helps you to develop your own philosophy of work.
The Book
The book was written in 2022/23 and is based on Friedrich Nietzsche's book "Thus spoke Zarathustra". A great piece of art and a guideline to become a great manager. Learn more about it here.
The Development Scheme
The three metamorphoses of the spirit are the normal progression towards natural authority. A person develops from being a camel through a lion and lastly to a child. Find more about the idea here.
The whole concept is based on five simple pillars and our development scheme. In this area you will find all principles explained in more detail.
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